Monday 15 April 2024

Day 1 Sevilla Airport to Triana

 Monday April 15th    

The day dawned grey and wet so I wasn't sorry to be leaving grey Freuchie behind,

Pauline had volunteered to drive me to Edinburgh Airport and see me off. I had naively assumed that in a dedicated drop off point for which you pay £5 for the dubious privelege of stopping vaguely near Departures for ten minutes, there would be some luggage trolleys. Not a one. None abandonned at the entrance to the airport. I had to go all the way to the Ryanair check in desks to eventually find one (and the clock was running).

The rest of the check in procedure was straightforward. I queued for longer for my coffee than at check in or security. Had I partially deflated my tyres "Of course" I lied. Had I any liquids, No, And my boxed steed made its way into oblivion. Ryanair was on the ball and nearly everyone had to put their carry on luggage in the bag sizer. It had to happen the size of the bags that some people take on board.

Fortunately my bike eventually appeared in oversized luggage  at Seville airport and I could begin the not insignificant task of rebuilding that which I had disassembled. the first conundrum how to open th box which my glamorous assistant had closed so assidiously. I tried my key but it was making little impression so I gathered my best Spanish and asked a huddle of six Guardia Civil if I could borrow a cuchillo (knife). He came and sliced the box open in one well practised movement.

An hour later I was on the hard shoulder of the slip road for the A4 motortway on my way into Sevilla centro in bright sunshine and 30 degrees. Another hour later and I arrived at Monicas house, in Triana. It is a small but perfectly formed two bedroom flat on the second floor which we are sharing for the night, Not whar I thought I had signed up for €26 in Seville during the Feria it is more than acceptable.

Monica is heading out to take part in the Feria at one of the many "Casetas". I am off to find oats and bananas and energy bars for tomorrow. Fortunately there is an Aldi just around the corner

The jury is out on the effects of my cough on my ability to cycle. I felt comfortable enough this afternoon but it was only 15k and pancake flat.

I feel tapas and a cruzcampo coming on.

Habitación tranquila Triana
Accommodation:    Habitación tranquila Triana    Avenida de Alvar Núñez, Triana, Seville, 41010, Spain    pop. 700k    8.7    €26

Distance 20 kms (I got lost)

Thursday 11 April 2024

Preparations 1

 Freuchie    Thursday April 11th

I would love to say that my preparations have gone well but they have not. I came back from Madeira with  a horrible cough that just refuses to go away so no training rides. The doctor told me that it is viral so no antibiotics were forthcoming. My achilles injury which has kept me from running ( and walking ) has certainly improved but remains largely untested.

My trusty steed which has not seen the light of day since returning from Budapest has been cleaned, lubed and treated to a new rear derailleur and new chain. Unfortunately the bike mechanic (myself) was fairly inept and so on Tuesday I took my bike to Leslie Bike Shop to have the job done properly and my back wheel trued up. Whilst there I got a bike box. I got the bike back this afternoon and began to dismantle the bike ready for wrapping in pipe lagging and bubble wrap.

Not to be left out, my glamorous assistant showed me how to tape the box CLOSED. 

I am not sure how I will open it at Seville airport because the knife is inside the box. I will just have to hope for a friendly Spanish security guard.

Raissac D'Aude at last!

 Monday April 29th Yesterday at 13.10 I finally cycled past the Mairie, past le parc, past la croix along rue du tilleul to la maison du mur...