Friday 19 April 2024

Day 5 Merida to Caceres

 Friday April 19th

Today has been a fine day.  Not as easy as yesterday but notable for the first appearance of what cyclists dread more than hills - wind. fortunately for most of the day it was a quartering wind from the east (not the prevailing westerly) since the road was mostly fairly straight north it wasn't too much of a headwind.

The first problem of the day, as it often is, was finding my way out of Merida and on to the road to Caceres. My not so trusty Cicerone guide gave directions from the Parador which was about 2 miles in the opposite direction from my less illustrious hotel. What pilgrim stays in Paradors?? So I was stuck with trusting Google with disastrous consequences. Just as I left Merida on a quiet well surfaced road congratulating myself on a swift smooth exit, I was chased by a pack of angry dogs. There must have been about ten dogs and when it came to flight or fight I chose flight. I didn't know that I still had a sprint in me and when I was finally clear of the last brute everything was shaking. 

Never mind I was clear of Merida and on a quiet flat road when Mrs Google told me to "take a slight left" which was up an unsurfaced steep track with which  a 4x4 would have difficulty. Up into the unknown or back into the pack. Twist or twist? That I chose to brave the dogs for a second time tells you everything about the uphill track. I approached the field with the dogs as fast as I could muster  but they had gone off to chase someone else  because I didn't see them for a second time.Heart rate slowed to racing. An hour after setting off I was  back where I started with no more idea how to leave Merida.

I struck gold for a second day running with my direction giver who gave me good directions to get back on my by now favourite N630. 10.00 and I was just setting off with a freshening wind.

It was fairly hilly at first so I stopped for a rest at the side of the road and stupidly only unclipped my left foot. Unsteady on my feet after my exertions my weight went to the right and I was certain I was headed for a three metre deep ditch when miraculously my subconscious kicked in and unclipped my right foot just in time. Road rash  beckoned but was averted  but not without a huge spike in heart rate for the second time in the morning.

The rest of the ride to Caceres was fairly innocuous, so much so that I was playing games with the very few place names that appeared on the signs. The first was Aljucen (Al Hussain) Saddaam's younger brother in my twisted universe. Next up was Aluescar (ally's car) and then Aldea del Cano where I stopped at a cafe called Las Vegas (no one armed bandits in sight) Instead I met a German lady who was walking the Camino staying in the Albergos (hostels with dormitory accommodation) She tried but failed to convince me that this was a better option than hotels. Another hour and a half passing  by Valdesalor and I was bowling along into Caceres. 

Much to my surprise my small hotel was in the yellow list of hotels at each major junction which made navigation so much simpler. On arrival I received a warm welcome and was shown to my spacious well equipped room which has a room next door for my bike. Perfect. What I have seen of Caceres so far is positive and I look forward to exploring this evening and tomorrow. Photos to follow when available.

Accommodation:    Hotel Alfonso IX    Parras, 9, Cáceres, 10003, Spain    pop. 100k    7.9    €88 (2 nights)    

Nice room on first floor with flat entrance from street and spacious bathroom and AC. Plus marks for choosing a room with a room next door for my bike.

Distance 77 kms


  1. Well Brian we continue to be enthralled by your adventure ,between wind ,dogs and misbehaving feet what next ,nothing we hopex
    Enjoy your day off and sightseeing
    Take care

  2. Excellent, Brian. Double Hair of the Dog and you are all set for another day of adventure and good progress. Well done. Delighted that you are now having a day off and some downtime. I know it will help in the long run. Now at 1500ft so doing well on that uphill climb. From all accounts Caceres is a great place to visit and enjoy. Have fun and a beer.

  3. What an adventure Brian, looking forward to more 'tails' of your adventures.
    Take care, Jaci xx

  4. Well done for outrunning the dogs , good job Pauline wasn’t there !!
    Enjoy your day off.A&R


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